The Communist system is characterized by the absence of social classes and by common ownership of production means, and repartition of goods is done on the principle of "to each according to his/her need," each yielding fully "according to his/her abilities."
Everyone is tempted to construct on these "base principles" a society without money, no government, no armies, and all other fantasies.
Few talented writers competed with those dreams. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley did their best in "Animal Farm" (1945), "1984" (1949) and "Brave new world" (1932) respectively, expressing their fears for the destruction of the liberty of the individual into a totalitarian (communist) regime long before it was evident to everybody. We call genius the people with sensitivity beyond their time.
In short we are dealing with two lies
Now we are talking about reality not fiction, about recent past, about inconsistent scientific thinking, about false premises, about lies.
The premise of a classless society, with all equal, and keeping all equal, generated the dictatorship of the proletariat at the beginning (a form of social revenge against the wealthy and the intellectuals) and an absurd terror (the democratic centralism) against everybody's initiative beyond government control later.
The premise that unlimited human needs can be satisfied in a world with limited resources is an obvious error even for a beginner in economics. In our world there is competition because everything is in short supply.
These two lies are:
1. That humans are equal, and
2. That human wants can be satisfied
The humans are equal only in front of God at the Last Judgment. Until we die, everybody likes to be equal for more not for less. Human need for food, shelter/safety, love, social appreciation, artistry products, and esthetic or divine devotion are unlimited. For me this is very clear.
What 47 years life experience in Romania taught me about Socialism
All the 20th century communist experiments created a classless society in which the individuals are negated -- everybody can be replaced by anybody.
- The free competition was forbidden. The motivation from pay or retribution disappeared. The material satisfaction from work and entrepreneurial spirit were the biggest sins.
- The equality created was at the lowest level. A top scientist was paid at the level of an unskilled worker.
As a result it was a no-hope society for many and a "safe" non-motivational environment for the majority. Only the informers were in competition for more opportunities, to maintain all that the repressive rules enforced.
That is why I call the communist experiment an anti human society.
Ernest Ionescu